First, Eliza had two loose teeth last Friday and on Tuesday she lost both of them. The first fell out during breakfast. She did not know it fell out until she felt the hole with her tongue. She was so excited and relieved when we found it.
The second one was hanging by a thread. I offered to pull it so it would not fall out at school but she was against that idea. Several hours after breakfast Eliza went into the bathroom and about 10 minutes later said it had come out. She just worked it back and forth until it was out. I was so pround of her, she was so brave! She was so excited for the tooth fairy to come that night. We told her it was neat that she had two teeth to leave in one night and that the tooth fairy might leave more money because they were her first teeth. When she woke up she was thrilled to find 5 one dollar bills. She looks so different with her teeth missing, she looks older. Because of the hole she has a slight lisp when she talks. It is adorable!
On Monday we were at Eliza's t-ball practice, it was cold and started to rain. So I put the boys in the backseat of Mike's truck to let them play while I put things away and got Eliza's jacket. I came back 5 minutes later and Jameson looked like he had been crying and Luke said, "JJ got hurt." Jameson had a huge red mark on his cheek and it was starting to bruise. I did not see what happened but he probably bumped his cheek on the console. Either that or Luke clopped him, just kidding! But by the next day he had his first black eye. Poor guy! But he was super tough.
Luke loves to eat ribs. Like father, like son. It must be the fact that he gets to eat meat off the bone and he is supposed to get messy. He really does a good job cleaning the bone and the BBQ sauce makes for great fun. Nice work Luke!
Lastly, about a month ago I bought matching PJ's for the kids. Eliza was always bummed when Luke and Jameson matched and she did not have a twin. So now I have matching triplets. They think it is great fun! I love these little guys!
Wow your tooth fairy is very generous! I can just imagine Hannah trying to knock 2 teeth out to make five bucks! Congrats Liza! You are officially in the lost teeth club! JJ you are so big! I barely recogzine you anymore! Be more careful and watch what you are doing! Luke you are hilarious! I love your messy face. It reminds me of your moms when she used to eat Baskin Robbins ice cream! I love that you bought matching jammies for all 3. Hannah is always feeling left out that she doesn't match her younger brothers. I'll have to keep my eye out for some gender neutral digs! Loved the post Mel! Can't wait to see you all at the cabin! Think warm weather! :)
My kids are gunna wanna come to your house when they lose their next tooth, your tooth fairy is bank! (JK, I know the 1st teeth fetch a better price :) I can't believe your kids keep getting bigger too, I thought it was just mine! Can't wait to see you all!
Mel, what a cute post! Your kids are adorable!!! It was so fun to be with you guys at Lagoon. You are a terrific little family! Love, Mom
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