Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy Birthday JJ!

Jameson turned 2 years old last week. I can't believe my baby is getting so big! He is such a sweet boy and has such a fun and cute personality. He is learning to talk more everyday. He loves to wrestle and is very ticklish, we love to make him laugh. He loves to run around the kitchen with Luke and when Luke is done he stops and JJ comes over and pulls him back saying, "Fast, please." JJ loves to snuggle and give kisses. Eliza always wants to hold him, but he is just too busy to sit still. One day Eliza was laying on the couch and JJ came and laid on her belly. It was so cute but I was not fast enough to get a picture. We had a simple party with our little family. We made pizza for dinner and cupcakes for dessert. JJ opened his presents from his grandparents, they spoil him and he loves it!

Eliza made him a card and gave him $2.00. She is such a sweet girl.

When we sang Happy Birthday JJ almost touched the candles, it was a close call. When we told him to blow out the candles he closed his eyes and blew. It was funny!

When you ask JJ how old he is he says 2 and tries to put up 2 fingers but he doesn't quite get it right. But hey 2 hands is the same thing.

After a few minutes of eating his cupcake I guess he got tired and so he put it down and just ate it straight from the table. "Look mom, no hands!"

Jameson loves Toy Story. He will sit and watch the whole movie, any of them. I rotate between the 3 of them so he has some variety. He says, "toy toy tory, buzz." He especially loves buzz. We got him a buzz t-shirt, buzz jammies, and a buzz ride-on toy.

He loves the lights and sounds it makes. He rides it around the kitchen and also pushes it throughout the house. We love Jameson and appreciate the place he has in our family.


Keith and Allie said...

Happy Birthday JJ! I can't believe you are 2! It seems like yesterday I was holding you in the hospital! :) Your family is so cute Mel! I love your pic by the Christmas tree! Liza you are a sweetie to give your brother $2. We miss you guys! Hope your big day was fantabulous!

Mom said...

Hi Melanie, Love your post! What a sweet & beautiful family you have! The pictures of JJ were adorable. Love, Mom

Mom said...

Hi Melanie, What sweet & adorable kids you have. That JJ is growing so fast! Your post was very well done. Love, Mom

The Cook's said...

I haven't looked at your blog in awhile, so cute! Your kiddos are getting so big! I am so excited to see you on Saturday!